You can transfer ownership of an account by sharing the account credentials with the new account owner. The new owner will use these credentials to change the email and password of the account. Changing the email and password ensures that the new account owner has full control and access to the account, and helps to protect the security and privacy of the account.
Please note that it is not possible to change an account's ID (username).
We encourage the organization to use an email address multiple people have access to and to save their new password in a shared password manager, like 1Password. After the email and password have been changed, we recommend that you:
- Update payment information.
- Update the company name associated with the account.
- Update any relevant memos or account information.
- Verify that invoices and other documents now reflect the correct information.
- And check out our Collaboration Guide.
If you encounter any difficulties or have questions while transferring ownership, we recommend contacting Mapbox Support.