To ensure that you can receive important notifications about your account, Mapbox requires all accounts to verify their registered email address. This is done by clicking a link that Mapbox sends immediately upon account creation. The verification process must be completed to gain full access to the Mapbox applications. Verification links are valid for 24 hours and can be re-requested when logged into your account. If an account's email address is updated, you will be prompted to verify the new address.
If you're having trouble verifying your account's email address, you can visit the troubleshooting section for recommendations.
If you're not receiving the verification email, there are a few things you can try:
Check for invalid email addresses. Emails cannot be delivered if the address contains a spelling error, the mailbox is full, the inbox does not exist, or for many other reasons. If the address is invalid, follow the prompts on the email confirmation page to update spelling errors or change the account's registered email. This begins the verification process again with the new address.
If you confirm that the email address is spelled properly and that the emails are not in your Spam folder or Promotions tab, allow for up to 60 minutes of latency throughout your email system. It's possible that your IT team maintains a filter above your inbox that requires additional processing and is delaying the email's arrival. Consider opening an internal ticket letting your IT team know about the problem, recommending they run a global search for emails from or with the subject "verify your email address".
If the email address has not received an email after 60 minutes and is configured for receiving vendor email, please contact Mapbox Support so they can troubleshoot with you based on the specific error codes being surfaced by your email provider.